10 Sure-fire Ways to Improve your Site’s Ranking

10 Sure fire Ways to Improve your Site’s Ranking

Improving your sites ranking is a difficult task to crack. It cannot be improved through the use of traditional marketing techniques, or by simply throwing money at the situation, it takes time and effort. There are many strategies you can choose to ensure your sites ranking will improve, our ten top tips are listed below.

1.   Write compelling content

The inclusion of high quality content on your site will naturally improve your sites ranking. This is because more people will want to view it and use it; these are items that help Google rank your page. If a reader spends a lot of time, or revisits the pages you have provided then naturally it will increase in their ranking. It is important to ensure there are no mistakes in your content, it is full of valuable keywords and targets your desired audience.

2.   Page speed

The amount of time your pages visitors have to wait for it to fully load has a direct effect on how often they will frequent it. A quick way to improve your site ranking would be to ensure your page runs smoothly and fast.

3.   Backlinks

Essentially backlinks like https://t-ranks.com/blog/buy-backlinks/ are the links you hold on your site that connect your page to other sites. These remain to be one of the most important ranking criteria held by Google. Incoming links onto your site that originate from widely used and trusted sites prove your pages authority. No only does this bring in traffic, it proves the trustworthiness of your site too.

4.   User experience focus

Having a user focused approach to developing a website will naturally improve your ranking as visitors will have a better experience on your site. The easier it is to navigate around your site, or the better content and information you host on there, the more clicks and ratings you will receive. Usually your visitors will come back and stay on your site for a longer period of time too.

5.   Images

Using good quality, relevant and, if you can, organic images will increase your sites ranking. It is essential that all of your websites images are compressed, include alt text and have descriptive filenames. If these can include some keywords too you will receive even more of a higher ranking.

6.   Local search optimisation

As more businesses are using online sites to boost their recognition, especially utilising the ‘near me’ feature on Google. To improve your search rankings can really improve your outcomes. You must have a Google My Business listing and provide relevant content in your Google Posts to ensure your business gets listed in the local directories online. Not only will you get more custom, you will receive more reviews and engagement with clientele.

7.   Fix broken links

The inclusion of backlinks and their impact has already been explained, but if you have broken links the opposite effect can be experienced. If your links bring up error messages or do not work well this can impact your users experience whilst on your site and in turn ruin your site ranking. There are many applications you can use to check your links and make any relevant changes to ensure no issues are experienced by your sites users.

8.   Voice search optimisation

Whilst this is still a relatively new and niche offering, a lot of users do use this feature when searching online. To ensure that your site can be reached via voice searches made you should make sure that voice search phrases are added into your webpages content. You should use full sentences that are naturally phrased as opposed to keywords.

9.   Featured snippet focus

This is the best way to gain large click through rates online. The featured snippet box allows a certain answer to a users question to be seen straight away when they search for it. This saves them the time and hassle of having to actually search from site to site. Snippets usually include a link to the original page; they are selected from webpages with clear answers to questions. Having a Q&A section in your page could increase the changes of your site being featured.

10.   Title Tags

The tag of your page is an important feature to increase site ranking on Google. The title tag has the most impact, if used correctly, for SEO. This is because it is one of the first elements that will be recognised by the search engine on the results page. It will help increase attention and in turn boost site ranking.


These ten sure-fire ways to increase your sites ranking on search engines are some of the easiest, yet effective ways to get noticed. Whilst it may seem like a lot of additions that need to be made, most of these are relatively easy and cheap to do, they just take some time and focus. The output of this can be tenfold in the form of search engine optimisation, authority and potential sales.

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